If It Weren’t for Cotto Napoli Porcelain...

When designing a space, be it interior or exterior, our goal is to seamlessly blend the envisioned world and emotions with the users. Material choices are crucial in this process, certainly with durability and sustainability taking precedence.
Material, far beyond being a mere floor or wall covering, serves as a silent yet expressive element within a space. As architects, we embark on the design journey with specific questions in mind, shaping our creations based on the answers derived. Concepts emerge from these discussions, eventually materializing into projects through the mediums of paper, pen, and computers.
With these questions in mind, we endeavored to elucidate the Hitit Seramik Cotto Napoli series from our own perspective. Beyond exploring the material’s geometric form, texture, pattern, and color, we aimed to articulate the impact it would have on the user. To achieve this, we asked and answered specific questions about the Cotto Napoli series, reflecting the profound effect it has had on us.
If Cotto Napoli...
...were a climate? It would be fall.
...were a fabric? It would be linen.
...were a plant? It would be Aloe Vera.
...were a dish? It would be artichokes with olive oil.
...were an animal? It would be a tabby cat.
...were a scent? It would be the fragrance of cinnamon.
...were a sport? It would be yoga.
...were an art? It would be a sculpture.
...were a weather condition? It would be cloudy.
...were an emotion? It would be tranquility.
...were a musical instrument? It would be a cello.
...were a music genre? It would be classical music.
...were a person? It would be mature and experienced.
...were a part of the nature? It would be sand.
...were a clothing item? It would be canvas pants.
...were a means of travel? It would be a train.